Review, Swatches | MAC Cruella de Vil Collection: Cruella to Be Kind Palette, De Vil in the Details Lipstick

Cruella was always my favourite Disney villain. First of all, she knows how to dress. Second of all she’s truly evil. I feel like any other Disney villain wickedness can be redeemed or explained away with past trauma or whatever. The Evil Queen couldn’t handle the fact that another woman was prettier than her, which can be seen as a consequence of a society that values women mainly for how they look. Scar couldn’t handle the fact that he could never be king, showing what a broken political system monarchies are, where the only thing that makes you a leader is being the first born of a special couple.

Cruella wants to kill puppies. To make a coat.

Come on, the b*tch is fabulous.

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Top 5 | Best Products from KIKO (2021)

As of today, my most viewed post is a review of Kiko’s Sunshine Tuscan Blushes. I guess I understand why, since Kiko is one of those brands that has a huge line and frequently comes out with limited edition collections, yet there aren’t that many reviews out there.

They also have really good sales and are known for some high end dupes. But they tend to discontinue a lot of their core products, and I have tried more than one dud. So here are my recommendations for Kiko permanent collection products if you want to try the brand, (or just want to enlarge your collection and are checking what else to get to reach the free shipping value, like I usually do. Can’t be having those makeup drawers with any extra room, right?).

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Makeup Memory Lane – A look at cult favourites

Having been a makeup hoarder lover for over 10 years, I’ve been trough the online growth of the beauty community. Back in 2008, I wanted to learn how to make my eyes look bigger (they’re tiny) with makeup and so I went on youtube, had almost no relevant search results, and one of the first videos I found and watched was from Panacea81 (Lauren Luke). This was when she was on the rise. That was basically the launch of beauty gurus on youtube.

Guys, I remember the video of the person who invented project pan. I will be doing one soon so I’ll expand on this on that post.

I’ve gone through all the makeup fads since makeup started being a thing in social media. Trends, brands, influencers came and went and I still have the products to remember – them and the money I spent at the time. Here’s a list of some real historical cult favourites (and please, if you ever – or still – own any of these, tell me in the comments, so I don’t feel ancient alone).

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