Fragrance Review | Hermès Twilly Eau Poivree

Every once in a while I blindly buy a fragrance – and by blindly I mean online, without ever having tried the scent before. It’s a risk that rarely pays off, yet I keep being persuaded by marketing and keep falling into this trap. There’s always that one time that you end up with a new favourite perfume, most times you end up with bottles you’ll pass on to someone else, and sometimes you end up with something like Hèrmes Twilly Eau Poivree.

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Brand Review | Biossance (Copper Peptide Serum, Vitamin C Rose Oil, Vitamin C Dark Spot Serum, Elderberry Cleanser)

There are so many skincare lines out there that in order for a new brand to find its niche, they have to be about a specific ingredient. Glow Recipe is about fruit, Verso is about Retinol, Caudelie is about grapes, Biossance is about squalane. Out of everything that Biossance could be about, squalane is not bad at all. It’s a great ingredient.

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