I’ve hit the 300 posts mark.

It’s been nearly 5 years since I started this blog. I’ve given it enough time, attention and dedication, and the growth I’ve experienced proved to me that it’s not worth continuing the way I’ve been blogging.

While my daily view count has certainly grown, I’ve hit a plateau for the last two to three years. I think I’ve taken this as far as I can with the amount of content I’m realistically able to post.

Most readers will find me through google searches about a particular product or review, and that’s normal and to be expected. I have tailored my posts to meet that sort of demand. The thing is, I clearly haven’t cultivated an audience that regularly comes back to read what I write, specifically. In fact, this very post will probably have virtually no one reading it, since it’s not about a product a person might be interested in.

This year, I gave this blog my best shot. I reviewed a (personal) record amount of products. I also bought products to review that I assumed people would want to know about but that there aren’t many reviews out there, to fill a beauty blog gap and find my niche. I had various levels of success with those posts, but nothing really made this blog take off. And that’s ok, blogging is a dying content form. It already was when I started in 2019.

I’ve debated just shutting this whole thing off. But I think I would miss it too much. I don’t have any girlfriends in my life that are as enthusiastic about beauty and fashion as I am, so I feel like I need an outlet for this passion, and blogging fits the bill.

Being that this is my reality, I’m deciding to shift gears: from a blog that I write with a hypothetical reader in mind, to my own personal log. I want a place where I can keep record of my opinions on certain products, of outfits I like, of comparative swatches, etc etc. Instead of detailed reviews, I’m just going to publish the bullet points that I’m interested in knowing about and remembering. Instead of describing everything I’m wearing and give suggestion on how to style certain pieces, I’m just going to post my looks of the day. I’ve actually already started to make this shift, my last few posts have been like that, and not only am I able to post a lot more this way, I’m having a lot more fun too.

I’m going to write a lot less because english is not my native language, and writing long format content takes too much time and energy for not having anyone reading it in the end – because even when people find me, they are 10 times more interested in the pictures than in the text.

I’m planning on just having fun. Let’s see how I feel about this in another year’s time.

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