Makeup Empties – The Good, The Bad and The Tossed

I’ve mentioned before I don’t believe in declutters – I have a more medieval approach towards my makeup products: I keep them to serve as penitence for wasted money and to discourage myself from wasting more. So the only way anything leaves my makeup collection is either by getting used up or unmistakably turning bad.

So let’s see what products have managed to leave my Alcatraz of a vanity.

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Glow Galore – a highlighter collection review

Collection posts are fun. At least I love to read them. It’s like someone giving a tour of their candy shop. And you go along and think “I want that. And that. And that one. I want that…”.

I’ll give a short description/overview of each product here. If you have questions about a specific one or even would like a more in-depth review, feel free to ask in the comments. The ones marked with a ♥ are my most used favourites.

highlighter collection
Gaze in awe at my Microsoft Paint skills.
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